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Becoming a freshman at a university can be intimidating for most people, especially since you are moving to an entirely foreign country, where you will be living on your own. Because we have all gone through the same experience, we would like to provide you with a 'checklist' of the essential things that you will need as a new student.


Before you leave for the US, make sure you have:

1. I-20

2. F1 Visa in your passport

3. Acceptance letter from UIUC


Once you have reached Champaign:

1. Move in to your dorm

2. Make your i-card: this will be your University ID Card. You can use it to use the public transportation around Urbana-Champaign.


Supplies you should consider bringing from Indonesia:

1. Bolster (Guling): They do not sell these in the US

2. Tolak Angin

3. Minyak Kayu Putih


Dorm Supplies (that you can get from Walmart or Target)

1. Bed Sheets (if possible, have two)

2. Pillow and Comforter

3. Flip-Flops

4. Shower Tote (Only if you have a communal bathroom)

5. Bath Robe

6. Towels

7. Winter Clothing (Urbana-Champaign has a very cold and harsh winter. Make sure you are prepared for this)

8. Alarm Clock

9. Clothes Hanger

10. Laundry Basket

11. Detergent

12. Air Freshener (An underrated item)

13. Desk Lamp

14. Office Supplies (Notebooks, Stationaries, Paper etc.)

15. Bottle

16. Microwave (Optional)

17. Mini Fridge (Optional)


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